Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spaghetti Squash Dinner Last Night

There were quite a few changes to the recipe that I listed below for the Spaghetti Squash, like add diced sauteed mushrooms*, garlic, shallots, and put the Parmesan crisps on top of the dish (as well as in the dish). And it was a hit! What I didn't do was take out the seeds... which was not pleasant. My Mother-in-Law (MIL) was over for dinner and she told P-Funk to get at $100k job so I am able to stay home and cook these amazing meals every night. I said, please do.
Because this dinner was a hit, I will be doing a tutorial on it soon, but tonight, Curry Pancit. Stay tuned!
And until then, cheers!

*This is the only way P-Funk will eat mushrooms

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